The Pros and Cons of Being in a Community.

In our modern society there are many pros and cons of being in a community. No matter how big or how small the community is, there will always be positives and negatives.

First the positive side of being in a community, people in communities vary, they can be from different countries, different cultures, different race, and different religions therefore there is a wide variety of ideas. People have different way of thinking, different ideas, so you can learn a lot.

Another positive is that you make friends; you get to know people, you interact with them and that is how you make friends. And it’s fun to make friends; you can spend time with them.

Secondly the negative side; people may not agree with what you think. In small or large communities they might be  lots of arguments, and people disagree with each other all the time and that can be really frustrating because you may think that nobody is listening to you.  Sometimes fights get along with arguments, insults… It is not easy to control yourself after you get insulted, which brings me to my next point which is respect. Everybody is not raised the same, they are some families where curse words are allowed, and some families were curse words are banned. So variety might not always be a positive thing in a community,  but that is just the way things are.

All and all we can say that there are pros about being in a community but there are solid cons as well.

This picture was published by "Damanhur Spiritual EcoCommunity"
This picture was published by “Damanhur Spiritual EcoCommunity”


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